Mobile Locksmith Service in and around Southington, CT

Why Have Proper Commercial Security

If you are a business owner you may already know the necessity of having security. However, what you may not know is that not all security is good security. You’ll need the type of security that is specific to your needs. As a business owner, you should never set you sights on that same type of security that someone else has, as it may not be the appropriate for your business. You should definitely spend a considerable amount of time determining the exact type of security that you’ll need for your business.

Installing an Access Control System

One type of security system that some don’t actually view as a security system is the access control system. The reason that our locksmiths consider it security is because you are able to monitor who comes and leaves your business. This means that no one can gain access unless you have granted it to them. It is the type of security that most businesses can benefit from, especially if they are experiencing internal theft. Why not prevent losses any way that you can be allowing us to install your new access control system today. With an access control system, it can change the plans of a would-be thief. We would say that it is well worth the expense of having access control. Since you don’t have two sets of eyes, it’s helpful to know that there is a way to see things that you are not able to see. With access control, whenever someone’s key card or swab is swiped, it keeps a record of the person, time and date. If you are still not sure that you know what access control is just think about institutions like hospitals, government buildings, or other high traffic areas. Often times these are the places that have access control. You will see that there are specific areas where only authorized personnel are allowed to enter. This is because it has access control; limiting who can go in and out. With a lot of traffic, it’s important to know who is coming and going. You are able to see what is going on at all hours of day, within your business.

Access Control Advantages

Most people dread the idea of dealing with paperwork when they have experienced a burglary. You are likely no different. If you wish to avoid the headache that can come with a break-in then you may want to look into having access control installed. There are not too many systems that a career criminal can’t infiltrate. However, this type of system happens to be one of them. If you ever hear about someone’s business being broken into, they likely didn’t have an access control system. You are not only able to thwart off an intrusion but you can see who is coming in and out of your business, remotely. This is possible to do through your mobile phone, tablet or laptop. If something is found missing from your business, you have a record of everyone who visited your business on that day. Since every employee receives a key that gives them access into certain areas of your business, this can immediately eliminate certain employees or visitors, making it easier to apprehend the thief. There are some systems that come with personal characteristic recognition. This means that their fingerprint or eye retina is stored in the system instead of a code. When the person’s personal characteristics are recognized, the person will be able to gain access inside. The other systems that we install require a code. You determine what the code should be and you only give this code to authorized personnel. If you have never used an access control system, you may not know just how beneficial it can be. All that you’ll have to do is experience a break-in just once and you’re likely to give it a second thought.

Features of an Access Control System

  • Fast & Efficient Entry:

When you have access control installed, you are able to move large crowds of people in and out swiftly. Instead of everyone trying to find keys, they are issued a key fob or given a code to enter to gain access. There is no need to use a key, which speeds up the process of getting in and out.

  • No keys to Duplicated:

Duplicating keys is eliminated when you have access control added to your business. Since a typical key is not necessary, you don’t have to worry about keys being duplicated. While a thief can likely get a hold of a standard key, they know that this is difficult when there is an access control system in place. Having it installed minimizes your chances of a break-in.

  • Tracking Visitors

If you have long relied on a receptionist to check your clients or customers in and out, you will no longer need one with the installation of an access control system. This is because your system does it all for you. It tracks who is in and out of your business and when. Although your guest aren’t afforded a personal greeting, they are given quick access into your business. Everyone who enters your business is recorded. If things come up missing, it is much easier to apprehend the person.

  • Remote Access:

Since it is impossible to be at two places at the same time, having access control means that you won’t have to. Anyone with access control can monitor their business from wherever they are located. All that is required is a mobile device, such as a tablet or cell phone.

It’s clear to see how beneficial access control can be for your commercial business.