Mobile Locksmith Service in and around Southington, CT

Lock Maintenance and Why it is Important

Your home locks are the first defense you have when it comes to keeping your loved ones safe. The locks on the entryways to your home, however, are not invincible. Over time, locks can wear down, especially after repeated and daily use. One of the easiest and most essential ways that homeowners can make sure that they get the most out of there locks is to make sure proper maintenance is performed on their locks every year. There are several things you can do yourself to make sure your locks stand the test of time, while other procedures may require the help of a professional. Find out more about how you can maintain your home lock and why proper maintenance is so important.

Clean Your Locks

This may seem obvious, but keeping your locks clean is important if you want them to last as long as possible. Cleaning any handles, plates, and other hardware can be done with a mild cleanser and water. It is best not to use any kind of harsh chemicals. Harsher chemicals can damage certain lock finishes. Make sure your locks are free of any kind of dust, debris, or dirt build-up. By adding a little lock cleaning to your weekly household chores, you can not only help to keep your family secure, but help your locks last for years and years.

Check the Door Alignment

Be sure to take note if the alignment of any of the entrance doors to your home seem off. For interior doors, this may not be a big deal if, say, the door and door frame do not match up exactly. For any entrance or exit doors, however, this could make you a target for a break-in. If you notice that your door does not properly align like it used to, or the lock on the door does not match up well to the latch on the frame, you may need to call in a professional for an adjustment.

Know that certain climates and weather conditions can cause changes to your door locks and even your door frame. Hotter weather will cause wooden doors to expand, making it more difficult to fit the door in the frame at times. Whereas colder weather will contract any materials, which may cause drafts or other problems. If you live in an area that experiences any kind of weather extremes, it will be especially important to keep an eye on the door’s alignment and fix any issues that come up right away.

Check the Strike Plates and Latches

In addition to checking the lock itself and the door, you will want to check the hardware that is connected to the corresponding door frame. Tighten the plates and latches if necessary, and make sure there is no damage or interference to either. If you have to replace a strike plate or latch, doing so is easy and affordable.

Lubricate Your Locks

It is important that locks be lubricated at least once every year or so. There are several different brands that have lock lubrication available, and if you are unsure of which kind to pick, you can always hire a locksmith to help you. Locksmiths can lubricate your locks quickly and easily, and having a professional do so may be the best option.

Having a locksmith lubricate and maintain your locksmith once a year is a better option than trying to maintain them yourself. A locksmith will be more alert to any potential problems that may be happening with your locks that you may not be aware of. You will save time and money in the long run by working with someone who can make you aware of any hazards before they turn into major, and potentially expensive, problems.

Consider Upgrading Your Locks

If you do not want to have to worry about traditional lock maintenance procedures and would prefer locks that are more durable and self-sufficient, you may want to consider electronic or smart locks. These types of locks require a different kind of maintenance compared to traditional locks.

While you will still need to keep electronic locks clean, they are not nearly as likely to break down from wear and tear as deadbolts and other locks. Since they do not use the same mechanisms as regular locks, maintenance will look a little different. While electronic locks require more intense set-up initially and are more expensive than traditional locks, you will not need to worry about maintenance as much in order to ensure their longevity. Electronic locks will automatically last longer than traditional locks. Any kind of maintenance you may need on electronic locks is likely to require programming or other means. As long as you keep the exterior lock clean and free of debris, you can count on electronic locks requiring less maintenance.

Let a Professional Take Care of Your Locks!

There is no need to stress about trying to maintain your locks yourself. In fact, having a professional look at and maintain your locks takes the guesswork out of wondering whether or not your locks really are working properly. When it comes to your security and safety, it is best not to take any chances. Call on the help of a locksmith if you cannot remember the last time your locks were looked at by a professional, or you know it is time for them to receive some care and attention.